OpTaliX Version 11.21

2021-11-08 10:58:18

Changes to version 11.21:

The parameter xsc,ysc,zsc and xsg,ysg,zsg now work for all zoom positions, and not for the first position, as done previously.

Stability of MTF vs. defocus has been improved on multi-processor systems.

SCO command corrected to accept entry of multiple coefficients, e.g. SCO ci..j correctly assigns the coefficients according to the surface type.

Polarization and transmission calculation in non-sequential environment activated.

Import/export from/to Zemax now supports the BINARY_2 surface type.

Inverse raytrace corrected at surfaces which are both aspheric and tilted.

Melt/private glasses: This option now allows up to 2000 wavelength/index data pairs to generate the glass dispersion coefficients. Previously, only 100 data pairs were allowed.

Minor changes.