OpTaliX Version 9.10

2016-07-01 01:03:09

New Features in version 9.10:

• Added command APT to facilitate change of aperture types (shapes) in zoom/multiconfiguration environments.

• Private glasses defined in the PRV-END environment now accept Laurent and Sellmeier dispersion coefficients, in addition to the standard wavelength-index data pairs.

• CDGM glass catalogue updated.

• NHG glass catalogue added.

• Added new glasses to Hikari/Nikon glass catalogue: J-KZFH4, J-LASF021HS, J-LASFH13HS, J-LASFH17HS, J-LASFH22, Q-LAFPH1S, Q-LASFPH2S.

Bug Fixes in version 9.05:

• Rays emitted from illumination sources are now correctly drawn in the lens layout plot. Previously, systems containing Q-type surfaces were not correctly rendered.

• OpTaliX-LT, 32 bit, did not run under Win-XP. This has been corrected. In this context we want to emphasize that we are striving to make all editions of OpTaliX (PRO,EDU,LT) compatible with Windows XP and Windows, 7, 8, 10.

• Export of data to Excel is now working again. Row and column data were erroneously interchanged.

• In systems where the ray aiming method ENP (aiming to the paraxial entrance pupil) was selected, the ray grid for calculating spot, PSF, etc., was unpredicted. This could lead to inaccurate (but not false) results. The problem was erroneously introduced in the attempt to automatically correct for unusually large pupil distortions.

• Minor tweaks